CDR Software for Power-User

Is CDR software, that performs specialized tasks better than those claiming to burn it all?

cdr software
CDR software for burning Audio CDs or CD-Roms
on your PC or Mac can be an adventurous enterprise for many reasons.

  1. There are so many different formats out there. Audio CD's, CD-ROM, CD-ROM-XA, DVD Audio, Different file systems for Mac, PC, etc...

  2. You have to look very carefully, which application and which burner supports which standards.

  3. You also have to know which burner is supported by the program you would like to use.

The best programs to copy and burn CDs:

Clone CD/Elaborate Bytes
(One of the best CD cloner)

CDR Win/Golden Hawk Technology (1:1 copies and Disc at Once)

Win on CD/Cequadrat (The Blockbuster in CD recording)

Nero/Ahead (Goes far beyond standard options)

Blindread/ (Reads even the worst CDs to HD)

Blindwrite/ (Writes Blindread image-files back to CD)

Hotburn/Asimware (Powerful, inexpensive and stylish )

Fireburner/2000 IgD (Good for burning mp3s to CD)

Easy CD-Creator/Adaptec (Top of the line CD-burning package)

CD Copy/CD Copy (Is CD copy the ultimate CD-Ripper and Burner?)

CD Maker/Newtech Infosystems (Features powerful simplicity)

Feurio!/ (Special burning program for Audio CDs)