How to build your very
own and special internet presence exactly the way you like it?
When you think about creating any
kind of viable existence on the internet...
...this is for you!
You probably already thought about
making up your own web site. maybe you even have one already. But what's
the point? Why would you want one and what should it do for you?
This is what you have to find out in the
first place. And you find it out by asking yourself: "What do I know or what
do I have to give that would be interesting to other people".
...nothing to offer?
If you say "well, I've nothing special to
offer", think twice. Chances are high, that this is not true. You might think
that something is unimportant or uninteresting and 'everybody knows' because it's not new for
you. But don't forget
that it might be interesting and new for the rest of us.
It doesn't matter if it's a piece of music, software,
knowledge about music, animals, weddings or anything else as long as it's
...respect your personal experience.
There is a lot of personal experience and
creation in everyone
of us that others might be curious about. So you should make a long list of
all the things you have to offer from "Alien Invader music" to "Zulu drum samples".
This is the time, when the first shades of doubt
may come in. You know a lot about "How to write a song" but you wonder if
people want to hear about it? So you start guessing, if....
But would you guess if you could
know? How can you start knowing and stop
guessing what people might be interested?
...find out what people want.
Fortunately there is a way to find out
exactly what people are searching for on the Internet. There is
a tool that tells you exactly which words people put into search engines in
order to find answers to their questions.
This is a wonderful gift and what's even
better - it's free!
Search It! is
originally built for researching e-commerce related topics but you can use
it for almost anything you want to find out.
You want to write some lyrics for a song and search
for a famous quotation? Well, go there and use the "reference library for
content" to find some.
Curious if a certain website is
successful or not? Well, go to Site Research - popularity and give it a try.
You can use it to thoroughly research any
area of interest. No matter if it is for commercial purposes or for sheer
I recommend to always have it open at the
upper left corner when you surf the internet. So when a question arises you
can instantly use it to find the right answer.
The most important part of
Search It! in the
beginning is the "brainstorming section" . It's a
perfect tool to find out, if the thing you intend to create is in demand on
the internet or not. It even tells you by which wording people search for
This might save you a lot of trouble.
When you use it correctly, it can help you from the very beginning by creating a
product that will succeed. No matter if this product is free, artistic or
commercial. it right, the first time!
So, what's next? You have found something
people are really searching for and you can deliver just that.
Now it's about time to create a website.
There are probably a quadrillion ways to make it wrong and only few
to get it right the first time.
I think this is not the place to explain the details
of building a successful website. If you want to know that now, go
(...but come back as soon as you read it ;-) )
Let's say you made up a wonderful website that delivers
exactly what people are searching for. How does somebody find it?
...which visitors do you want to
This is done by creating traffic to your
website. You can do that in many different ways. But they all should have
one thing in common. You want to create only traffic, that is looking for what
you have to offer. It's called "targeted" traffic (Yes I know, bad
marketing slang...)
If you have a site about "The life of
John Lennon", you don't want to have visitors on your site searching
for info about vacuum cleaners.
Even if some of them would be
interested in the life of John Lennon, it's definitely the wrong time and
the wrong place to tell
him about it. He has a broken vacuum cleaner and wants to repair it before
his wife comes home. He needs to know how to repair it and he needs that
info now.
Tell him about the life of John Lennon in
that situation and the outcome will be, inevitably... disappointment!
A site without visitors is pointless.
A site with disappointed visitors is even worse.
On the other hand, what happens when they
find exactly what they've been searching for?
...Lots of happy, smiling faces :-)
So, how could you create a stream
of happy visitors, that get exactly what they want?
Well, a Canadian, Ken Evoy
developed a concept to build a Web site that delivers just that, makes
sense, let's everybody win and makes the Internet more valuable for
all of us.
He developed
SBI! (Site BuildIt!), a
special way of web-hosting and site-building, that is very successful and
quite different from the GRQ (Get-Rich-Quick) noise of so called Internet
Marketing specialists.
I can prove that, because just doing what
he said brought my site into the top 1% of Internet sites. It was neither
extremely difficult nor extremely easy
to do.
It was just very efficient.
I did not spend my time chasing the
latest news of Internet Marketing or Website Hosting but rather concentrated
on creating valuable content for living, breathing people with
similar interests than me,
Anything else was perfectly delivered by SBI! at a
ridiculous price.
Just visit the
Information Center and see the success of some other people
that were smart enough to follow his path.
I'd be happy, if you could write me a short note.
Tell me, if you liked
it and if I did help you with this story. All that I can say is, that
it changed my life quite a bit. Just take a look, if this is something for you too.
Wish you a great day (or night :-) - you never know that on
the Internet) and
keep on groovin',

Rudolf Wagner