Music Software Reviews
Yes, I
really like
to hear from you!
I am very grateful for any response regarding the
usefulness and quality of this website. If you have any ideas or
wishes regarding the content of this website, you should go to my
survey page and fill in the survey.
If you want to write me in a more personal matter,
please use the form below.
I'm sorry that I cannot answer special problems
with specific music software. First I must admit that I don't know
immediately all the solutions and second I just don't have the time to
do that.
The goal of this website is also not to promote my
business as a computer recording advisor, but to give you enough
know-how to help yourself. So, tell me what you would like to see
here on this site and I'll try to put it there.
You may wonder why I made up a form instead of
putting my E-mail address on this page. The answer is simple. It is
because of Spam. I got around 300 unsolicited E-mails a day on my
old e-mail address. It simply got useless. I could not find your mail
anymore. It just got buried under this load of useless messages and I
had to give up that account.
On the
form you have to put in your e-mail address. It is not done
automatically as if you would write me an e-mail. I need it to send you
an answer and promise not to give it away to somebody else.
If you
want, you can also put in your name but you don't have to.