I have
been at Musikmesse Frankfurt this year to see what's new in music software and also
had the chance to talk to developers to find out what's planned in the
near future.
April 2006 - Frankfurt International Music Fair
part 1 -
Steinberg, Apple, Image Line
part 2 - Vienna Instruments, Sienzo DMM
part 3 - Celemony, Arturia
part 4 - PG Music, Native Instruments
part 5 - Matrox,
Make Music, Sibelius
PG Music
I met Peter Gannon, the head of PG music, maker and inventor of
Band-in-a-box an his companion and friend Marty Green, to talk a bit about
Band-in-a-box. Since quite some time, I wish to see the functionality of BIAB
implemented in the top notch sequencers, but this just doesn't seem to happen.

The story of Band-in-a-box is a funny one. Peter
Gannon played in a band that used to play on small town weddings and they played
this Billy Joel song "My Life". The bass player didn't get a passing chord in
this song and Peter told him that. The next time they played that song the bass
player played this chord, but not as a passing chord but as an inserted chord so
he played the rest of the whole song one bar behind. That was when Peter said a
computer could do a better job on the bass and drums and this is where BIAB was
born. The first version was only drums and bass.
Marty also told me another interesting detail
about how the styles are made. Most of the styles are unquantized and played by
good musicians via several controllers from keyboard to guitar. They are played
until the feeling is right and not much tweaked afterwards.

This little software has evolved over the years
into a source of inspiration and knowledge for any serious songwriter. It is
also great for teaching the basics of music. I just hope it finds it's way into
my favorite sequencer / recording program.
Probably the most
important mission of Native Instruments at the Musikmesse Frankfurt was the
introduction of a revolution- or better evolutionary software called "Kore".

It is a basically
a shell for all plug-ins no matter which standard. Kore gives these plug-ins and
virtual instruments a common database for their presets, a common hardware
controller and a standardized automation.

Well that's much
more than we ever expected to get. It seems to work and if you ask me, this will
be "the" hit application of the next months to come.
It gives you all
the control and touch&feel that you never really had about your virtual
instruments and plug-ins and a common database that you can search by
intelligent keywords is also fun to use.
continue here...
part 1 -
Steinberg, Apple, Image Line
part 2 - Vienna Instruments, Sienzo DMM
part 3 - Celemony, Arturia
part 4 - PG Music, Native Instruments
part 5 - Matrox,
Make Music, Sibelius