Pro Tools HD/LE
The professional's choice shifts gear now
Pro Tools is your choice, if you have the money
and are allowed to spend it. Simply the most professional system you can
get today, yet easy to learn and very straightforward to use.You
usually buy more fun and less trouble than with
cheaper systems.
Digidesign decided to split their products into two classes. The more
expensive HD systems are expandable systems up to simultaneously
recording 192 tracks of 24bit/192kHz audio. Because of their own DSP
hardware this happens without stressing the computer.
They also offer a variety of interfaces.
- Audio interfaces from 96 to 192kHz
- Midi interface with 10 Midi In/Outs.
- Sync interface
- Remotely controlled microphone preamplifier with 8 phantom powered
inputs. You can control it either via software or
through the control surfaces available.
And you can choose between 5 different control surfaces:
- ICON integrated console (a big mixing desk)
- D-Show Mixing console (a life mixer)
- Pro Control (a big modular control surface)
- Control 24 (a console developed with focusrite)
- Command 8 (a small control surface)
Of course not everybody needs so much power. Therefore they started
another product line for less money. The LE systems. They
can simultaneously record up to 8 tracks of 24bit/96kHz audio.

A very hot tip for recording your tracks is the new Digidesign Mbox with
two focusrite mic-preamps. It seems to be designed for capturing high
quality audio tracks at 24bit/48kHz. The price is very affordable.
- Pro Tools is industry standard
- Features the best Automation by far
- Straightforward design
- Easy to learn
- Very stable performance
- Some good hardware controllers available
- Still doesn't support interleaved stereo files
- Little support of foreign soft- and hardware formats
- High Price (except free version)
Manufacturers Homepage:
Platform: Mac (OS 8.6 or higher) / PC (NT
4.0 Workstation)
Typical Users: Recording Studios, Postproduction
Studios, Professional Homerecording Artists, Professional Musicians
Demo: Download
Pro-Tools free (fully working version of Pro Tools FREE)
Supported Hardware Mac: Supports mainly
Digidesign Hardware, but basic support of any hardware that can be
recognized by the apple sound manager.
Supported Hardware PC: Digidesign Hardware, only
PT-free supports some high quality audio cards.